Melissa - Farmer and farm-based business owner, Milabena TAS

My picture of the struggle in farmer mental health is:
Doing a scaling business alone for so long. Feeling like the face-to-face networks and connections required to grow and develop myself are not readily available in my area. Feeling judged as a highly intuitive female in a masculine driven industry. Married to a polar opposite mindset. I felt a lot of imposter syndrome or 'not-enough-ness' living in this world.
Seeking business guidance and support and learning how I learn, not how my husband learns. No time for that when the daily duties came first, admin was second. But I was the heartbeat of admin so felt like I was failing! Mentally not enough. So I over compensated with doing too much!
Being the best version of myself for my girls has been hard.
Feeling guilty making the choice to step down from active roles to work on myself and my future career as the farming is what has got us to where we are now 20 years in.
Some of the glimmer/joyful moments that reflect farmer mental health for me:
My nature-based life. Outside with animals, on the land, fresh air.
A little more about Melissa:
I am a dairy farmer, Airbnb host, and I run professional and self development workshops with horses through my business Leading Rein.
I was a teenage Mum. I always thought I was too soft and sensitive. I’m realising as I grow, I was just a child myself and it was me in my own way, keeping my own self small and silent.
I thought I was not enough. Since taking breathing space and growing my OWN perspective, I am realising I am a contributor to help support others through professional growth and a great reminder not to let the business and life cause you to lose you and your identity!
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