Amanda - Rural mum, wife and small business operator, Robertstown SA

My picture of the struggle in farmer mental health is:
Call me self-centred or selfish but you know what I found throughout the drought was most people asked me how my HUSBAND was, how he was coping, was he alright and if not that, then how were the sheep, how did the crops look. Nobody asked how I was doing. I am a mother, a wife, a small business owner and operator. I juggle all of this plus committees, appointments, cooking, housework and struggled with the pain of endometriosis. I had a complicated hysterectomy during the drought and you know what? People asked how my husband was coping with doing everything whilst I recovered! My mother-in-law even asked why couldn't I have stayed in hospital longer so I wouldn't be a burden to him and then when I was out, how soon was I able to drive again! I think I feel, well, nothing. Just empty, spent, no one gets it.
Some of the glimmer/joyful moments that reflect farmer mental health for me:
The peace, serenity and chickens free ranging! If you have ever watched chooks, you will know they evoke a sense of peace and calmness (unless they're in your garden!) and the ability to stroll around outside with a glass of wine without being judged! The laughs with family about things that only your family gets. That feeling of a strong family unit and that we have got this.
A little more about Amanda:
Small business owner and operator of Wild Woodland Collective & Co. in Eudunda. Mother of two daughters. Married to a sheep & cropping farmer. Community volunteer and on numerous committees.
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